Town Hall Cabal

3/2/25 letter to City of Blaine:

Apparently, the 'town hall' cabal that unlawfully hijacked the restoring oral public comment motion by Councilman Lewis at the 2/10/25 Blaine City Council meeting--in order to prevent the public from speaking on the record and telling the truth about City of Blaine official corruption--was hatched by Councilman May in cahoots with Blaine City Attorney Peter Ruffato, who counseled the council on ethics later that day. If true, Councilman May conspired with the city attorney to violate the Blaine City Council Rules of Procedure in order to continue the ban on free speech declared by Mayor Steward on 2/12/2024. This is grounds for removal of Steward, May and Ruffato from their official City of Blaine positions, and possible loss of Ruffato's license to practice law.


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