Mike Hill on CCTV

1/30/25 letter to City of Blaine:


CCTV of Blaine City Council member Mike Hill accosting community activist Otto Pointer at the November 13, 2024, council meeting. Mike Hill, owner of Starbuck's and Chevron, as well as a downtown and CARA developer, has not recused himself when voting on zoning amendments to the Blaine Municipal Code that financially benefit him. This self-dealing is against the law.

In late 2023, when Blaine community activists handed over their extensive evidence of alleged official corruption by the City of Blaine to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) criminal division and the FBI, they had reason to believe that the rule of law would be restored in their town. The City of Blaine--which had illegally up-zoned the city's Critical Aquifer Recharge Area (CARA) into a Planned Unit Development (PUD) over the city's drinking water aquifer without preparing a legally required Environmental Impact Statement--was clearly in the wrong, but due to dereliction of duty to enforce the law by the Whatcom County Prosecutor and the Washington State Department of Ecology, Blaine officials had free rein to develop illegal PUDs city wide in violation of the State Environmental Policy Act and federal Clean Water Act.

Pleas for help from Blaine citizens to the Governor and Washington Attorney General were ignored. The EPA and FBI never did anything.

On November 13, 2024, Blaine City Council member Mike Hill accosted Blaine community activist Otto Pointer (one of the people documenting official corruption in Blaine) at the city council meeting, requiring intervention by the Blaine Chief of Police. This incident happened directly in front of Grace McCarthy, editor of The Northern Light newspaper. The Northern Light, having covered up City of Blaine and council member Hill's crimes 2022-2024, never reported the incident. Hill has two convictions for battery.

Blaine City Council has yet to censure Hill for his deplorable conduct. Your lack of integrity shames our community.

I expect that you are already discussing with the Blaine City Attorney how to defend yourselves in court for your dereliction of duty. I would be interested in how many hundreds of thousands of dollars you've already wasted on legal advice on how to get away with breaking the law. You can double that when we take you to federal court.


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