Conflict of Interest/Duty of Care

3/3/25 letter to Blaine City Manager:

Dear Mr. Harmon and Mr. Wenger,

Blaine City Attorney Peter Ruffato has a conflict of interest for which he should be disbarred. He has not exercised his duty of care. His failure to correctly advise Blaine City Council at the February 24, 2025 meeting regarding the mandatory 2024 Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual and the Code of Ethics motion introduced by Councilman Lewis violates the Blaine City Council Rules of Procedure

Section IV--Order of Business and Agenda
Rule 13 — Council Meeting Agenda The City Clerk, under the direction of the City Manager, shall arrange a list of such matters according to the Order of Business and prepare an Agenda for the City Council. After the proposed Agenda has been approved by the City Manager, a copy of the Agenda and supporting materials shall be prepared for City Councilmembers, the City Manager, the public, and the press at least twenty-four (24) hours before any scheduled City Council meeting. The Mayor, three (3) City Councilmembers, or the City Manager may introduce a new item to the Agenda, prior to the notice of meeting being made available to the public. 

The 'town hall' motion by Mayor Steward at the February 24, 2025 Blaine City Council meeting was not on the agenda, and was thus invalid. 

Rule 16 — Order of Business The business of all Regular Meetings of the City Council shall be transacted as follows, provided, however, that the Mayor or City Manager may rearrange items on the Agenda to conduct the business before the City Council more expeditiously: 1. Call to order 2. Moment of Silence (optional) 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Roll Call 5. Presentations, Recognitions and Awards 6. Public Hearing (if there is one) Page 7 of 19 7. Oral Public Comment and/or Written Public Comment – Mayor may limit or alter format for public comment as provided below 8. Consent Agenda 9. Council Action Items 10. Commission, Committee, and Board Reports 11. City Manager and Staff Reports 12. Council Unfinished Business 13. Council New Business and Dialogue 14. Executive Session (if there is one) 15. Adjournment. Any session of the City Council may be adjourned from day-to-day, or for more than one day, but no adjournment shall be for a longer period than until the next regular meeting.

Mayor Steward's 'town hall' motion should have been introduced under Council New Business and Dialogue, not under the agenda item Oral Public Comment, and is thus invalid.


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