Blaine Unfair

3/4/25 letter to Whatcom County Planning Commission:

Appealing fraudulent SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) decisions by Blaine Community Development Services director Alex Wenger costs $2,500. Citizen SEPA appeals in Seattle cost $150, in Spokane $100. 

The City of Blaine is forcing us to pay a fortune in Superior Court where the City's attorney CSD law has influence with the Whatcom County judges. This is environmental injustice and a violation of our civil rights requiring us to hire expensive lawyers, all due to corruption at the State and County governments that allowed the City of Blaine to do this to us over the last three years.

Governor Ferguson as Washington Attorney General had a chance to end this corruption in Blaine and his staff blew us off. Now we are forced to sue in federal court to clean up the mess Ferguson should have cleaned up. 


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