Blaine Water Coalition
2/27/25 letter to Whatcom County Planning Commission:
Dear Ms. Kogut-Aguon,
I was unable to attend the Whatcom County Planning Commission this evening but I have written 10 letters to the 2025 comp plan update and county council email addresses since October about such items as the deficient shoreline setbacks for the entire Drayton Harbor watershed, including salmon streams, wetlands, shorelines of statewide significance, waters of the United States, and the Critical Aquifer Recharge Area (CARA) that supplies our city's drinking water. BLAINE TOXIC COVERUP is my overview of the corruption by the City of Blaine that is destroying our environment and public trust in government.
Whatcom County has invested a lot over the last thirty years through the Drayton Harbor Shellfish Protection District, Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association volunteers in the California Creek and Dakota Creek watersheds, and Whatcom Conservation District work with farmers. Now the City of Blaine is destroying all that good work.
Three of Blaine Water Coalition members spoke at your meeting this evening, so I thought I would would add my voice encouraging you to help us up here in Blaine, where the rule of law does not exist at present.
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