Rising Sea
1/3/25 letter to City of Blaine:
If humans continue to increase their consumption of fossil fuels, it is likely that the grandkids of toddlers today will see the submersion of Semiahmoo Spit and Marine Park by rising sea levels. Continuing to build condos on the spit and expanding our sewer treatment plant in Marine Park to accommodate the thousands of new residents moving here are foolhardy given this likely scenario. While it is consistent with the white settler attitude of trashing the Drayton Harbor waterfront a century ago, continuing in this vein is inconsistent with the federal Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act.
You will get another lesson in federal laws soon enough. Apparently, the lesson learned in federal court from the Blaine sewer treatment plant relocation fiasco has been forgotten by the new band of crooks at city hall. Your education awaits.
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