Fighting Trump
In February of 2017, President Trump issued an executive order directing the EPA and Army for Civil Works to review the Clean Water Rule and consider withdrawing it and replacing it with a weaker version. In response, the agencies moved forward with several rulemakings, ultimately repealing the Clean Water Rule in late 2019 and replacing it with a much weaker rule that opponents refer to as the “Dirty Water Rule.” These agencies finalized the Dirty Water Rule in May 2020.
The Dirty Water Rule attempts to strip Clean Water Act protections farther than ever before, seeking to exempt entire categories of waters that have always been protected from pollution in the United States. The Dirty Water Rule could strip protections from more than 50% of the Nation’s wetlands, and more than 18% of the country’s streams and rivers. This equates to millions of miles of streams and rivers that would no longer be protected from pollution.
Biden restored Clean Water Act protections that Trump attacked along with American Indian treaty rights.
The information I provide about what Trump did in his first term to attack the Clean Water Act and treaty rights is intended to prepare Blaine citizens for the battles ahead which are made much more difficult by the election of Trump who will replace EPA staff who are helping us with new staff hostile to us.
Trump supporters parrot slogans like the Constitution but they are at a loss to explain how inciting violent overthrow of the U.S. Government by a lynch mob of Trump supporters is in synch with the rule of law. If we support the rule of law in Blaine, it is hypocritical to support mob rule in our nation's capital.
During his first term, President Trump attacked my most deeply held values based on 30 years of fighting alongside Northwest Treaty Tribes to protect Washington's environment. He eviscerated the Clean Water Act and embarked on a mission to terminate American Indian tribes. These missions are central to his stated objectives for his second term.
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