Dereliction of Duty

12/9/24 letter to Whatcom County Executive:

Dear Whatcom County Executive Sidhu,

If you think your dereliction of duty and that of Whatcom County Prosecutor Eric Richey in the public works director scandal was publicly humiliating, wait until the media gets wind of the dereliction of duty by the county prosecutor and county planning department in the form of not responding to reports of criminal misconduct by the City of Blaine Community Development Services that threatens the Blaine city aquifer for drinking water, salmon streams, the Drayton Harbor estuary, and the treaty rights of Lummi Nation on the Semiahmoo peninsula and spit. 

Mr. Richey has ignored calls for an investigation by Blaine citizens for over a year, as has the Whatcom County Council which has supervisory authority under state law of the cities in their jurisdiction to ensure compliance with state and federal environmental protection laws. Your continued inaction could easily lead to Whatcom County being named a defendant in a federal Clean Water Act lawsuit alongside the City of Blaine and the State of Washington. 

I believe you have received notice of intent to sue from Blaine Water Coalition.


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