White Settler Attitude
11/17/24 letter to Blaine City Council:
Contempt for the federal property rights of Northwest Treaty Tribes came through loud and clear in recent remarks made by Blaine City Council member Mike Hill in The Northern Light. The box culvert to be installed by the Washington Department of Transportation is to help restore the salmon as a result of a federal suit by the tribes. Hill's shaky plans to proliferate four-story condominiums adjacent to the Cain Creek salmon recovery project and the Drayton Harbor saltmarsh without an environmental impact statement are reminiscent of past practices by the City of Blaine such as dumping municipal trash on the tidelands (now under Marine Park).
While those of us at Blaine Water Coalition work unpaid to protect and restore the environment in Blaine, the white settler attitude of rape and pillage is still alive and represented on Blaine City Council by Mike Hill. This attitude can be seen in the dying trees that shade Cain Creek behind the library. Due to City of Blaine neglect, English Ivy is killing the conifers.
Blaine's spectacular waterfront and salmon streams are an asset now being destroyed by corruption at Blaine Community Development Services. Hill's deep involvement in that corruption makes him a liability to our community.
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