Hate Crime

The Bellingham hate crime against a transgender teen is reminiscent of a similar incident in Blaine.

"Somebody needs to do something about this" was the remark at a PFLAG meeting in Blaine a few years back after the attempted murder of a transgender middle school student on campus. Subsequently, Blaine School District voters elected an openly anti-queer candidate to the school board.

Now that the bigots of America will again have a champion in the White House, the targets of bigotry (Jews, Muslims, Blacks, American Indians, Queers) will be fighting for their lives. Financial support for equality advocates is good, but it will not be enough. What they need is our commitment of time.

Research is key to the success of equality advocates, providing background information on organizers of bigotry and what they are up to. We took down one violent bigotry advocate when we exposed his conviction for child molestation. We took another one down when we exposed him hosting vigilantes who advocated murdering liberal judges.

Pious posturing, often employed by well-meaning do-gooders, accomplishes nothing. Holding bigots--including local media--accountable requires determination and commitment. That involves a lot more than just sending a check to a charity. The 'American Taliban' is already in our communities.

At the 1961 inauguration of John F. Kennedy as President of the United States, the invocation was delivered by the Pulitzer Prize winner for poetry, Robert Frost.

At the 2009 inauguration of Barack Obama as President, the invocation was read by the homophobic pastor, Rick Warren.

PS--If you are a target for bigots, take a class in Krav Maga.


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