Cascade Engineering

11/16/24 letter to Blaine City Council:

I am told that an employee of Cascade Engineering, which is involved in the destruction of Blaine's Critical Aquifer Recharge Area initiated by developer Skip Jansen, joined Blaine City Council member Mike Hill in accosting Blaine Water Coalition member Otto Pointer at the November 12, 2024, council meeting. 

I vaguely recall that Blaine City Council member Eric Davidson has a personal connection with Cascade Engineering, which should be looked into ASAP. If Cascade stands to benefit from the Central Business District zoning amendments Davidson supported while Downtown Advisory Committee liaison, then this potential conflict of interest should be investigated.

Favoring family, friends, and oneself financially while an elected official is a no-no.

PS--Skip Jansen's legal name is Louis Jansen. The principal engineer at Cascade Engineering is Craig Parkinson. Parkinson and Jansen are officers of East Maple Ridge Community Association and Parkinson is a consultant to the Jansen's JIJ Corporation.


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