Common Sense Planning

October 8 letter from Glen Pentland to city council:

October 8, 2024 Dear Blaine City Council and Planning Commission: 

Re: Common Sense Planning – Reject the Building Height Recommendation 

The Downtown Development Initiative has been off the rails since its inception over two years ago. Key concerns raised by many members of the community include: 

The City repeatedly thwarts public engagement Despite a requirement of the Wa State Growth Management Act, and expressly promised in its own Downtown Development Project Charter (approved 2 years ago), the City repeatedly thwarts “early and continuous” public engagement. “Early and continuous” never occurs. Two-way conversation is non-existent. The community of Blaine is literally kept in the dark and prevented from participating in the planning process to develop their community. Public Hearings appear pointless, occurring long after decisions are made.

Elementary planning work is abandoned and not completed There is no Development Plan for the downtown. No Density Plan for the downtown. No articulated Vision or Goals or Guiding Principles for the downtown. No preferred Design Standards Approach for the downtown. No articulation of the Downtown’s value proposition, its brand promise to visitors and residents, its Wow factor, its key areas of differentiation, and how these can be accentuated, developed and molded into a long term sustainable economic/competitive advantage. All of these critical items require early public input and this has not occurred. Acting in haste, taking shortcuts, and making decisions in advance of completing critical planning work is irresponsible, unprofessional and reckless. Public submissions appear to be a waste of time 

Public submissions are not reviewed, categorized, responded to or discussed in the decision-making process. Public input is ignored. Submissions simply go into a black hole. There is high concern that written submissions are not read, may receive a hurried, cursory glance at best and are simply unwanted. Attending City and Planning meetings appears to be a waste of the public’s time. 

Blaine appears to be a stark contrast to other towns where meaningful public input, engagement and participation leads to positive change and high levels of community pride. 

The strategic opportunity for the downtown is being lost With no Vision, Goals, Options or a Development Plan for the Downtown, and no public engagement to capitalize on the collective wisdom, ideas and experience of the residents of Blaine, the strategic opportunity for Blaine’s downtown is being tragically lost. 

The Downtown Development Initiative raises many concerns of Blaine’s government: 

• Why does Blaine’s government repeatedly disallow the required (and promised) public engagement?

• Why does Blaine’s government repeatedly exclude the community from discussing what is wanted and needed for the downtown? 

• Why does Blaine’s government not have a Public Engagement Plan - a sponsored citizens group responsible for developing and implementing a community engagement strategy for Blaine? 

• Why did the Downtown Advisory Committee not complete any meaningful work; no report, no presentation, not one sentence? How is this considered professional conduct and how is this helpful to the community of Blaine? 

• Why does Council ignore and not deal with and resolve conflict-of-interest concerns repeatedly raised by the community? 

• Why is there no Code-of-Conduct or Ethics policy for Blaine's government? 

• Who in Blaine’s government is responsible and accountable to ensure (1) appropriate and professional planning work is completed, (2) professional standards are followed and adhered to, and (3) early, continuous and inclusive public involvement occurs throughout the planning process? (All have failed.) 

• Why has Blaine abandoned basic, elementary planning work? Why are Blaine’s policy makers left to rely on hearsay, conjecture, and wishful thinking in their decision-making? 

• What is the role and the value-add being provided by the Planning Commission? 

• Why is downtown development being decided now and excluded from Blaine’s formal planning process – the 2024 Comprehensive Plan update? 

This initiative has been a disaster, and a failure of public trust. Organizational maturity appears low. It is time to stop the craziness. Find your voice. Reject the Developer/CDS building height recommendation and move this important work to where it belongs, and where the public can provide appropriate input – inclusion in the 2024 Blaine Comprehensive Plan Update process. 

Sincerely, Glen Pentland 

1283 Harrison Avenue, Blaine 

Past Member, Blaine Downtown Advisory Committee (2023) 

Past Chairperson, Blaine Parks and Open Spaces Levy Committee (2015) 

Good Processes + Good Diligence = Good Outcomes 


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