Wenger Clan

Letter to city regarding the Wenger family:

The July 30 letter to you from the newly formed Whatcom Environmental Council offering their expertise on the City of Blaine comprehensive plan update neglects to mention they have a conflict-of-interest meddling in our city, namely that one of their board members, Barry Wenger, is related to Alex Wenger, director of Blaine Community Development Services.

Alex Wenger, as you all know full well, is responsible for facilitating self-dealing and other corrupt practices by his department and by all counts should be in jail. Even his (father?) can't change that. Nice try, though.

Conflicts of interest, of course, are pervasive at Blaine City Hall, with Councilman Mike Hill taking home the prize for self-dealing by voting on land use zoning amendments that financially benefit himself. In case the city attorney hasn't informed you, that is illegal in Washington State. Lucky for you, Patrick Grubb—publisher of The Northern Light—is covering up the scandal.​


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