Control or Prosperity

I initially became involved with the City of Blaine when they tore down the old city hall and I suggested holding a town hall to discuss creating a civic center master plan that included a new library, community art center, and affordable housing condos. When Kulshan Community Land Trust proposed a condo project, I met with their project consultant to show him the architectural drawings of our new library floor plan, which then came to be the partnership between the city, the library system and Kulshan. 

Throughout, I recommended convening volunteer committees to assist the city in public outreach through research and education as well as in preparing grants city staff hasn't the time or expertise to do alone. We have a wealth of knowledgeable retirees moving to Blaine with experience that could help achieve revitalization of our city if invited and recognized for their contributions.

As I came to realize that the city did not want our help, I asked myself why. Then when I understood that control was more important to them than prosperity, I attempted to show the city the inconsistency between stated city goals of economic recovery through tourism development and zoning that allows incompatible uses in the heart of downtown where tourists congregate.

I also wrote the city numerous letters about how other communities became successful tourist destinations by investing in galleries and museums, which are absent from Blaine. If tourism is our official economic recovery strategy, we should have a town hall on how to go about it. 


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