Comprehensive Plan Timeline


Ending the Culture of Exclusion at Blaine City Hall

Comprehensive Plan Timeline

3/24/2023 Blaine City Council Retreat minutes [ordering Blaine City Manager to instruct Downtown Advisory Committee to recommend comprehensive plan amendments requested by developers]

6/4/2023 Downtown Advisory Committee minutes [vote for developers' comprehensive plan amendments]

7/10/2023 Blaine City Council resolution 1923-23 [forwarding Downtown Advisory Committee's recommendations to Blaine Planning Commission]

1/11/24 Growth Management Act letter to the editor at The Northern Light by Jay Taber [regarding public participation]

2/6/24 Blaine City Manager email to Jay Taber [regarding Downtown Advisory Committee conspiracy]

2/8/24 Blaine Planning Commission minutes [recommending Downtown Advisory Committee amendments]

2/11/24 email from Jay Taber to Blaine Planning Commission [regarding Downtown Advisory Committee conspiracy]

2/12/24 Blaine City Council resolution 1940-24 [comprehensive plan amendments and city work plan]

2/13/24 email from Otto Pointer to City of Blaine [regarding inaccurate growth projections and their impact on comprehensive plan and viable delivery of water and sewer services]

2/19/24 email from Otto Pointer to City of Blaine [regarding ethics, misinformation, and unprofessional conduct]


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