The Coverup

For a month now, The Northern Light has had evidence of a conspiracy by Blaine City Council to violate the law governing comprehensive planning and public participation requirements under the Washington State Growth Management Act. While it is understandable that a small-town paper might have conflicts of interest or personal relationships with some of the downtown developers and city council members, it is inexcusable that they keep readers in the dark about corruption in our city government.

Our community cannot correct a problem they don't know about. While corruption enriches a few, it destroys a community.

If the coverup follows the customary pattern, The Northern Light will change from ignoring us to patronizing us, as though we are just confused. The next step after that is to attack us, which is why we need to reach out to media that doesn't have a conflict of interest. Any Blaine resident concerned about this can send a news tip to Cascadia Daily News. News tips are confidential. 


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