Coming Together
It occurs to me that what is needed to get the public involved in planning Blaine's future is a Growth Management orientation with Q&A and facilitated discussion by a professional services contractor. This is the logical way to begin our 2024 comprehensive plan update, so citizens understand the process, the elements of a plan, and the steps leading to a plan.
This coming together should be done in a series of discussions at the community center that include objectives such as a Civic Center Master Plan for the public holdings around the library which are inevitably linked to a Downtown Revitalization Plan since public investment in cultural art centers—including museums and galleries—is what drives private investment seeking to capitalize on increased foot traffic and visitors drawn by these amenities.
All part of creating a new, inclusive vision for Blaine.
A GMA orientation could include creating a framework for the citizens of Blaine to participate, including working groups that examine and report on aspects of the comprehensive plan to the community. The working groups should be open to all who want to contribute, not selected by nor directed by city hall.
City hall should provide background documents and contract for GMA facilitation, but the process should be citizen driven and supported by an easily searchable database so the public can do research at home. Regular reports from working groups to the community should be summarized in The Northern Light.
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