Malicious Harassment

Based on recent Blaine City Council meetings, it appears someone is organizing malicious harassment of Blaine public officials for political purposes. Historically, this is the mode of operation (m.o.) used by right-wing delinquents such as Whatcom Tea Party (now Common Threads Northwest).

On November 13, a contingent descended on the Blaine City Council, requiring police assistance.  While this might be shrugged off as hotheads blowing off steam, it has the hallmarks of being prelude to more serious trouble. This misbehavior mimics what we saw during the COVID lockdown when defiant Birch Bay mothers dared the Blaine School Board to call police. 

The contingent noted above was primarily opponents of an East Blaine trailer park. While they have a right to disagree, and if the proposed park would imperil our water supply as they claim, then we need to revise our urban growth area accordingly. That said, decorum matters. Demonizing not allowed. Left unchecked, this misbehavior can escalate to property damage, threats, and assault.

Facilitated community forums where Blaine citizens could learn about zoning and water supply protection would help to alleviate discord and provide opportunities for more productive engagement. Public education and discussion are what we need to move forward. 

As the city prepares in 2024 to update our comprehensive plan, we need to form partnerships focused on civic center redevelopment and downtown revitalization, as well as water supply protection. On the brink of bankruptcy, Blaine cannot afford to neglect public involvement in economic recovery.


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