Killing Hope

In March 2018, I attended the Faith Over Fear presentation at Blaine United Church of Christ. The presentation focused on the Islamophobia industry that spends over $30 million each year to make people afraid of Islam. Illustrating the effect of this brainwashing, a person in the audience asked why Islamic countries hate America. I suggested reading Killing Hope, which documents the CIA and military interventions worldwide since 1948. In particular, the overthrow of a democratically elected president in Iran and the installation of a dictator friendly to American oil companies.

Half a century later when Saudi Arabian terrorists attacked New York City, the American war industry led by Vice President Dick Cheney capitalized on American ignorance of history to make a bundle destroying Iraq. The business of war paid off handsomely in the Green Zone of Baghdad, where Americans passed out US dollars to people for snitching on terrorists, which turned out to be a way for people to make money getting even with people they had petty disputes with, and nothing to do with terrorism. And we all know what the CIA did to these innocent people.


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