Making Amends
The RAVEN AND SALMON WOMAN totem in front of the Alaska Packers Association cannery lodge at Semiahmoo County Park--carved by Lummi artist Morris Alexander--reminds us that a native burial ground is nearby, that was disturbed when Blaine attempted to expand its wastewater treatment plant on the spit that was subsequently relocated to Marine Park as the result of a federal lawsuit. A little over a hundred years ago, APA employees confiscated Lummi reefnet sites at Legoe Bay on Lummi Island and at Point Roberts by threatening Lummi fishermen and destroying their villages.
Today, the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians--that includes Lummi Nation--have announced their intention to usher in a new era of cooperation based on restoring the Salish Sea, after two centuries of environmental destruction by European immigrants has left the chinook and orcas on the brink of extinction. It is time to make amends.
(I sent this to The Northern Light as a letter to the editor, but it was rejected in favor of a Birch Bay writer complaining about Lummi fishermen.)
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