Making Things Worse

2/26/25 letter to City of Blaine

The February 24, 2025 Blaine City Council meeting was like a cross between a Shakespearean tragedy and a Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoon, with the mayor's minions dancing to her tune.

Councilman May graciously lent his support to Mayor Steward's hijacking of Councilman Lewis' agenda item to restore oral public comment at city council meetings with her misnamed and pathetic 'town hall' motion aimed at pacifying citizen resistance to her tyrannical reign.

The other minions (council members Hurt, Hill, and Lopez) instinctively fell into line, after six years of playing the role of her puppets. Steward's game plan now that she's been cornered by the citizenry is to subvert democracy to the bitter end. Council members Hill, Lopez, and Davidson--all of whom voted NO to restoring oral public comment at the February 10, 2025, council meeting--are up for election in 2025. 


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