The thin red line from the Salem witch hangings to Sarah Palin and the current lynch mobs over transgender equality has always been with us. While it may seem new to young people, violent bigotry is a very American trait. The only thing keeping it at bay is citizen activism, which takes courage, but more importantly, knowledge. And quiet time to study and think. One cannot arrive at understanding with constant interruptions from cell phones. The continuity of murderous, bigoted Puritan ideology is evident in the agenda of the "American Taliban". What is new is the mobilization of these bigots, made possible with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. As the fruit of the big business/Christian Right marriage arranged by Paul Weyrich, these religious fanatic thugs were unleashed on American society, leading to the present state of ruin. The solution is for those who believe in democracy to make a similar commitment to civics as those who are actively destroying it.