
Showing posts from October, 2021

Huntley Bigot

 As reported at Noisy Waters Northwest , port commission candidate John Huntley is a bigot. 

Cultural Genocide

As I noted in my 2018 Center for World Indigenous Studies article Corporate Crimes, First Nations & Environmental Organizations , the Alberta Tar Sands project is geographically the size of Florida, and daily uses enough natural gas to heat 6 million homes. As the dirtiest industrial undertaking in human history, the oil mining there has denuded the Boreal forest and annihilated the indigenous peoples of the region.  This cultural genocide is the price consumers are evidently willing to accept for the convenience of flying or driving when ever or where ever we want. The oil mined from the Tar Sands is shipped via pipeline to Burnaby and Cherry Point.

Communal Endurance

As observed in the New York Times , Lummi Nation victories against the fossil fuel export industry have shifted perception by lawmakers and oil refineries, challenging growth-at-all-costs consumerism in favor of communal endurance and what the ecosystem of the Salish Sea can bear.

Rape and Plunder

As reported in the San Juan Islander , RE Sources has released an illustrated guide to climate change solutions for the Salish Sea region. Having stood by treaty tribes in their victories over the Cherry Point fossil fuel export lobbyists at Whatcom Business Alliance, RE Sources advocates a more thoughtful approach to living than the rape and plunder model still in effect after two hundred years. Meanwhile, Cherry Point oil refineries can be counted on to continue corrupting elections, and worse .

Evil Alliance

Since the Reagan presidency--an arranged marriage of major polluters and racist, religious fanatics--the Wise Use movement of industry-sponsored terrorism against the environmental movement continues to fly under the radar, thanks to mainstream media that is on the take . An example of this is the non-discussion of corporate crimes of Cherry Point heavy industry, i.e. BP, Phillips 66 and Whatcom Business Alliance. The thing about the scurrying fascist cockroaches at Whatcom Business Alliance is their unfettered commitment to the Reagan Revolution agenda against free speech, civil rights and public health. Their hatred for democracy, environmentalism and cultural diversity flowed seamlessly from their media special forces, husband-and-wife team of James and Laura McKinney, who in 2018 were spotlighted in Anti-Indian Movement Part 6: Players Program .  As reported in 2020 at Noisy Waters Northwest, James continued the Whatcom Business Alliance tradition of serious fraud promoted by ...

BP Crimes

One thing we learned watching the movie Deepwater Horizon is that British Petroleum (BP) puts greed ahead of concerns for human life and the environment. That greed led to BP paying $4.5 billion in fines and penalties in the largest criminal resolution in US history. In February 2017, National Audubon Society's director of bird conservation for the Gulf Coast spoke at the Whatcom Museum about the risks facing vulnerable communities of the Salish Sea. Those vulnerable communities include Coast Salish Nation, the San Juan Islands, and endangered species such as Chinook salmon and Orca whales. In 2012, BP Cherry Point was fined $81,500 by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries for willfully violating workplace safety and health rules. As Fred Felleman reported , "the Gulf gusher was not an isolated event in BP's accident-riddled record." Felleman reports that BP led the effort to lift the crude oil export ban, and "is investing in the highly polluting A...

McKinney No Role Model

As reported in The Northern Light , Laura McKinney is running for Blaine school board reelection, citing her experience as director of communications at Whatcom Business Alliance, which, as I noted in my 2019 article On a Mission from God , attacked Lummi Nation on behalf of BP Cherry Point.