Since the Reagan presidency--an arranged marriage of major polluters and racist, religious fanatics--the Wise Use movement of industry-sponsored terrorism against the environmental movement continues to fly under the radar, thanks to mainstream media that is on the take . An example of this is the non-discussion of corporate crimes of Cherry Point heavy industry, i.e. BP, Phillips 66 and Whatcom Business Alliance. The thing about the scurrying fascist cockroaches at Whatcom Business Alliance is their unfettered commitment to the Reagan Revolution agenda against free speech, civil rights and public health. Their hatred for democracy, environmentalism and cultural diversity flowed seamlessly from their media special forces, husband-and-wife team of James and Laura McKinney, who in 2018 were spotlighted in Anti-Indian Movement Part 6: Players Program . As reported in 2020 at Noisy Waters Northwest, James continued the Whatcom Business Alliance tradition of serious fraud promoted by ...