Blaine v Whatcom County Plans
3/5/25 letter to Whatcom County Planning Commission: Under the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), Whatcom County is required to harmonize its Comprehensive Plan with the City of Blaine Comprehensive Plan. That has not happened. As an example, Whatcom County and State of Washington shoreline setbacks are 200 feet. The City of Blaine shoreline setbacks are 100 feet. Whatcom County and the State of Washington use the state-mandated 2024 Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual. The City of Blaine uses the outdated 2019 manual. Cumulative impact analysis is required by the state and county. Blaine's last assessment was in 2006. The City of Blaine is not even following its own 100 foot setback requirement, and is armoring the coastline with 8 violations reported by Blaine Water Coalition to Blaine building codes enforcement and no action was taken. City of Blaine plans to develop additional properties on the shoreline of Drayton Harbor that violate both setba...