
Wenger's Stormwater Fraud

The Stormwater Manual fraud by Blaine Community Development Services director Alex Wenger is, like his many other acts of fraud, doomed to failure. Last Blaine City Council meeting, Wenger, Gandhi, and Harmon  all said that the City of Blaine was using the 2019 DOE Stormwater Management Manual and that the 2024 manual is optional . In the interim, Wenger et al came up with the clever idea that  they would tell the city council they actually have been using the 2024 manual but not applying it because the PUDs were vested under the 2019 manual  prior to August 1, 2024 (2024 manual effective date).  However, vesting PUDs or other amendments to the Blaine Municipal Code using fraudulent SEPA determinations is illegal. Applications approved under unlawful SEPA determinations are invalid, and  all these PUD SEPAs were fraudulent . 

City of Blaine Non-compliant

3/5/25 letters to City of Blaine from Blaine Water Coalition: Mike-Harmon-Failure-to-Acknowledge-Receipt-of-Complaint-recusal-by-Mike-Hill-in-City-Voting City-of-Blaine-is-non-compliant-on-its-comprehensive-growth-plan-submission Failure-by-CDS-to-include-timely-public-comments-for-Hearing-Examiner-Record Fourth-time-provision-of-timely-comments-and-refusal-by-CDS-to-consider-2024-Western-Washington-Storm-Manual Fw--Part-2---Urgent-Action-Needed-Blaines-Stormwater-Violations-and-Benzene-Risk-to--WOTUS-Drayton-Harbor Fw-DOE-Report-submission-for-Mike-Harmon-and-Harpier-Gandhi---environmental-issue-regarding-City-of-Blaine-non-compliance Fw-SEPA-APPEAL---DNS-2025006---City-of-Blaine-WA--Planned-Commercial-PC-Zoning-District-Update---DRAYTON-HARBOR-impact Fw-SEPA-Appeal-Unfair-SEPA-agency-appeal-process-at-City-of-Blaine-Saving-Money-Let-Whatcom-County-run-SEPA-for-Blaine Request-for-Intervenor-status-and-notification-of-formal-grievance-filed-for-SEPA-appeal-denial-with-EPA-Whatcom-Count...

Boys and Girls Club Scandal

3/7/25 letter to City of Blaine : As I understand it, Blaine City Manager Mike Harmon was notified in October 2024 by the Blaine Boys and Girls Club director that the toilet was leaking water and they had to constantly mop the floor when Blaine children used it. Three months later, in January 2025, Blaine Public Works reportedly sent someone to fix it. It soon started leaking again, and as of a couple weeks ago, had yet to be replaced with a new toilet. If it were your children that had to endure this negligence by the City of Blaine, would you tolerate this misfeasance?

Careers Over

3/7/25 letter to City of Blaine : Once the story of corruption in Blaine breaks in regional media, Blaine City Manager Mike Harmon and Blaine Community Development Services director Alex Wenger will no longer be able to work in public service. Even if they somehow manage to avoid criminal prosecution, their careers are over. No public institution will hire them again after their names and crimes are known.

Blaine v Whatcom County Plans

3/5/25 letter to Whatcom County Planning Commission: Under the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), Whatcom County is required to harmonize its Comprehensive Plan with the City of Blaine Comprehensive Plan. That has not happened.  As an example, Whatcom County and State of Washington shoreline setbacks are 200 feet. The City of Blaine shoreline setbacks are 100 feet. Whatcom County and the State of Washington use the state-mandated 2024 Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual. The City of Blaine uses the outdated 2019 manual. Cumulative impact analysis is required by the state and county. Blaine's last assessment was in 2006.  The City of Blaine is not even following its own 100 foot setback requirement, and is armoring the coastline with 8 violations reported by Blaine Water Coalition to Blaine building codes enforcement and no action was taken. City of Blaine plans to develop additional properties on the shoreline of Drayton Harbor that violate both setba...

Richard May enemy of free speech

3/4/25 letter to Whatcom County Planning Commission: From: DonnaBlaine <> Date: On Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 at 12:38 PM Subject: Re: Does This Hot Mic Moment Catch the City Plotting A Citizen's Arrest? To: Richard May <> CC: Eric Lewis <> Richard, by you telling me that this was "not a secret plot," you have just now  victimized me again . This did happen. I was warned by someone who actually  HEARD  the conversation  FIRST HAND  that city council and the police were going to arrest outspoken citizens. This person knows more about the law than you. This person did not tell me that the mayor might ask me to leave the room. This person told me there was a plan to  ARREST CITIZENS .  You are wrong when you said, "this doesn't mean someone gets arrested....unless you punch the cop, or handcuff yourself to a table, or refuse to leave unless dragged out kicking and screaming, ...

Uphold the Law

3/4/25 letter to Whatcom County Council: Thirty years ago, when I led North Cascades Audubon Society et al to victory at the Washington Supreme Court--establishing legal precedent for Critical Areas protection statewide--little did I think at the time that I would need to go to federal court decades later to force the State of Washington to uphold the law. Both Whatcom County and the State of Washington have turned a blind eye to official corruption in Blaine, despite our numerous letters over the last two years to the Washington Attorney General, Washington Department of Ecology, Whatcom County Council, Whatcom County Executive, and Whatcom County Prosecutor asking for help. This willful negligence by county and state authorities has allowed the City of Blaine to violate county, state, and federal laws with impunity. Whatcom County won't even protect Blaine citizens from assault by public officials at Blaine City Council meetings. Our civil rights are stomped on daily. What is wro...